15 January 2024 | Admin  Read our how-to-guide to find out which telescope is best for stars, planets or galaxy views. |
2 January 2024 | Admin  An in-depth review of the Celestron StarSense DX 130 AZ, including set-up, features, the StarSense app and performance. |
21 December 2023 | Admin  A review of Celestron StarSense Explorer 8", 10" and 12" Dobsonian telescopes |
1 Comment6 May 2023 | Admin  The Celestron AstroMaster range of telescopes are a popular next step for those who are developing their interest in the cosmos and so investing money into the larger, higher powered scopes. I consider myself a competent novice having had a scope in the past, I decided I needed a better scope to take me through to the next level and so ordered a Celestron AstroMaster 130EQ-MD from PicStop.co.uk . Then it was just a matter of eagerly awaited delivery. |
4 Comments13 March 2023 | Admin  I was looking for one under £500, was compact, so I could easily transport it, as light as possible, facility to attach a camera, had a good specification and of course it provided the facility for the computer to seek out the planets and alike. I did my research and eventually decided the Celestron Nexstar 4SE was the one, and it has proved after 12 months of use to be a very good decision. |
2 Comments8 August 2022 | Admin  You will need patience, but if you have that and time, it’s a lot of telescope for not a lot of money. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the telescope body is actually metal, not plastic. Though still lightweight, it does feel fairly robust. |
7 January 2022 | Admin  I found that the Vanguard Endeavor HD 82A Spotting Scope came out with superb reviews on many websites and only had one real competitor in the mid-range categories, which was a brand that I had not heard of. So, I opted for the Vanguard scope and have not been disappointed with it at all. |
22 October 2021 | Admin  I'm writing this review on my new Celestron 127mm Maksutov Cassegrain Nexstar SLT. This telescope is my second purchase for astronomy, more so planetary observation. Overall I'm very impressed with this Celestron Nexstar telescope |
3 June 2021 | Admin  It all started when my partner bought me a Celestron Astromaster 114EQ telescope .. a reasonably affordable scope. It's a great starter telescope and I soon had it set up and started looking through the eyepieces. We were lucky to have some clear skies, and it was around the mid-summer that I caught my first ever real-time glimpse of Saturn |
20 April 2021 | Admin  This Celestron Astromaster 130EQ Telescope in my personal experience has been a revelation. After watching many videos and reading a few books I thought I’d give a decent beginner scope a try and this one kept popping up as the ideal choice. Let me start by saying it exceeded all my expectations |
16 March 2021 | Admin  As a newbie to Astronomy I had been looking for a good entry telescope .. Throughout the web there are numerous links to help pick a suitable piece of equipment but as with most things cost can be an issue, too cheap, and I may not get the best sightings, too expensive I may not be able to see the value |
18 February 2021 | Admin  This was my first time I have bought a telescope... I picked the Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ Refractor Telescope .. My main goal was to explore the moon and generally learn more about the night sky locally. The telescope was really easy to set up and within about 30 mins I was ready to go |